GroWorld: Experiments in vegetal culture by Maja Kuzmanovic, Nik Gaffney and FoAM
16/07/18Technology in isolation cannot provide truly encompassing visions of what a society could become, even though we have attempted …
PDFWelcome to the Sources page. Here you will find a growing number of sources to inspire you. Some of them have a direct relationship with the Coded Matter(s) series. Others are harvested from the web or shared with us. Included are excerpts from presentations, pieces of code, books, interviews, video’s of lectures and more. If you would like to add something to this page, please let us know.
Technology in isolation cannot provide truly encompassing visions of what a society could become, even though we have attempted …
PDFThose of you who’ve read my novel Ventus may recognize “The Successor to Science” as the title of a fictional paper …
PDFShort Climate fiction story by Nnedi Okorafor
PDFSpending some time waiting for the boost that will move him to his final orbit. Starman is listening to …
VideoThis article by Miha Turšič is part of an ongoing research on human outer space activities. In this research different domains …
PDFSolarpunk is a movement in speculative fiction, art, fashion and activism that seeks to answer and embody the question …
WebsiteUtopia should be understood as a method rather than a goal. This book rehabilitates utopia as a repressed dimension …
BookEverything Change features twelve stories from our 2016 Climate Fiction Short Story Contest along with along with a foreword …
BookInterdisciplinairy research programme at Bremen University run by Susan Gaines. In recent decades, fiction writers have been creating new …
JournalAs the 20th century began to morph into the 21st century in the late 1990s, the global landscape of …
WebsiteWelcome to Eco-fiction.com, a news site that covers environmental authors’ works via book posts, interviews, reader-submitted reviews, bookshelves and …
WebsiteGegevens verzamelen om je gedrag te verzamelen Met alles wat we doen, laten we een spoor van gegevens achter. …
WebsiteIn a brightly lit office, Joy Buolamwini sits down at her computer and slips on a Halloween mask to …
JournalUS initiative for the support of inclusive technology through projects: Fight Bias, Gender Shades and the Coded Gaze
WebsiteOn Wednesday, a Facebook employee in Nigeria shared footage of a minor inconvenience that he says speaks to tech’s larger diversity …
VideoHello world! 🙂 We are DATACTIVE, a research project and a research collective exploring the politics of big data broadly defined. …
PlatformAre algorithms more neutral than people? No. Algorithms can have hidden biases. This makes them a popular way to …
WebsiteTechnologie voor identificatie op basis van uiterlijke kenmerken is aan het inburgeren. Niet alleen bij overheden, ook in ons …
WebsiteOf je een baan krijgt of een hypotheek, wie er vervroegd wordt vrijgelaten uit de gevangenis: algoritmes bepalen steeds …
VideoWelcome to the Possible Bodies inventory, a collaborative research on the very concrete and at the same time complex …
WebsiteThe AI Now Institute at New York University is an interdisciplinary research center dedicated to understanding the social implications …
WebsiteKate Crawford is a leading researcher, academic and author who has spent the last decade studying the social implications …
VideoThe Data Harm Record made by the Data Justice Lab pulls together concrete examples of harm that have been …
WebsiteMetadata_Society Matteo Pasquinelli’s entry in the Posthuman Glossary (2017) edited by Rosi Braidotti and Marja Hlavajova https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/posthuman-glossary-9781350030244/
Jussi Parikka is a writer, media theorist and professor in technological culture & aesthetics at Winchester School of Art …
WebsiteFractal art is a form of algorithmic art created by calculating fractal objects and representing the calculation results as …
WebsiteComposer Arthur Jeffes and creative studio Marshmallow Laser Feast have been working with two astrophysicists Samaya Nissanke (Excellence Fellow, Univ. …
WebsiteMarshmellow Laser Feast (MLF) virtualise a forest through the eyes of its creatures
WebsiteAudio archive from a panel with Vinay Gupta, Francesca Pick, Denis Rojo aka Jaromil and Ben Vickers. Part of …
WebsiteDuring the opening event of Data in the 21st Century on December 19, 2015, Vinay Gupta gave a lecture at V2, …
VideoThis LEA volume presents a series of seminal papers in the field, offering the reader a new perspective on …
Website“It’s a nice picture, a sweet moment with my wife, taken by my father-in-law, in a Normandy bistro. There’s …
WebsiteAn article on We Make Money Not Art about RYBN‘s trading algorithms, which also featured in Coded Matter(s) #10: …
WebsiteAn article on rayli.net detailing 10 common data mining algoithms. Be forewarned, your definition of ‘plain English’ may vary.
WebsiteWritten by Taylor Owen for Foreign Affairs, published by the American Council on Foreign Relations.
WebsiteWritten by Jonathan Shapiro for The Sydney Morning Herald. Photo: Getty Images.
WebsiteAn introduction to (the evils of) high-frequency trading. Written by Brett Scott.
WebsiteOur popular conception of artificial intelligence is distorted by an anthropocentric fallacy. An article by Benjamin Bratton published in …
WebsiteA History of Algorithms: From the Pebble to the Microchip (1999) A source book for the history of mathematics, …
Bookwriter turned programmer turned writer, Peter Seibel, explains how a 19th century naturalist approach works to understand the way …
WebsiteBits of Freedom director Hans de Zwart explains how technology problems are always people problems. Technology = politics.
WebsiteThe code of Steven Puttemans connected to the Embedded Artificially intelligent VISion Engineering researchgroup at the KU Leuven
CodeLight symbolises the highest good, it enables all visual art, and today it lies at the heart of billion-dollar …
PDFThe “Black and Bright” projector hack removes the colour filters from a low cost video projector to double the …
CodeA hemisphere of 5,500 white blocks occupies the air, each hanging from above in a pattern which repeats in …
WebsiteCreated by Seoul based art and design studio Kimchi and Chips, Lunar Surface is the latest in the series …
WebsiteDigital Emulsion: Articulating Form in Physical Space – Code has become the principal constructive material of our society, causing …
VideoIn the lead-up to her solo show, institutions of Resolution Disputes , at Transfer Gallery, Brooklyn, Daniel Rourke caught up …
WebsiteSchool of Machines, Making & Make-Believe is an organisation, based in Berlin, dedicated to the imaginative and non-sensical exploration of art and technology. We’re passionate about interactivity …
PlatformThe Journal of Peer Production seeks high-quality contributions from researchers and practitioners of peer production. We understand peer production …
Journal“A peer-reviewed journal about //” (APRJA) is an open-access research journal that addresses the ever-shifting thematic frameworks of digital …
JournalThe Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) is an inter-national, online, Open Access and peer-reviewed journal for the identification, publication …
JournalOur modern society is flooded with all sorts of devices: TV sets, automobiles, microwaves, mobile phones. How are all …
PDFHerbert Marshall Mcluhan (*1911 – +1979) lecture recorded by ABC Radio National Network on 27 June 1979 in Australia.
VideoThe Transreal: Political Aesthetics of Crossing Realities explores the use of multiple simultaneous realities as a medium in contemporary …
BookRISR is a wearable sensor network that teaches you how to improve your body language through vibration feedback.
WebsiteThese clear headphones, designed by Renaud Defrancesco, are using speakers that project sounds into the ears.
WebsiteThis is the text of Marcel Wierckx keynote speech at the Algorave symposium held at STEIM in Amsterdam on …
PDFFind awesome pieces of code at Simon Geilfus’ Github repository.
CodeAda Lovelace (1815 – 1852) is often referred to as the world’s first computer programmer.
WebsiteHow might electronic music sound in a post human future? Robert Barry enlists the help of Holly Herndon, James …
WebsiteProducer Max Cooper shares his work with the 4D sound system, an immersive environment that allows producers to move …
VideoDuring the live performance of Murcof + Simon Geilfus a giant transparent fabric screen will stand between the artists …
WebsiteMatthijs Munnik presents his graduation project Citadels: Lightscape as part of V2_’s Test_Lab: The Graduatoin Edition 2012 at July …
VideoThis is an article about the creative process behind Paelodictyon, a site specific installation by Simon Geilfus.
WebsiteIt turns out there’s a whole musical subculture based around watching people who love computers create dance music with …
WebsiteMaking music with live coding: that’s Algorave. Algoraver Alex McLean from England performs under the name Yaxu.
VideoAlex McLean is a programmer and live coder. He performs with a livecoding band called Slub and tours with …
WebsiteFrom HAL to Wiimotes and Kinect, musicians have predicted the future of machine/human interaction. Because music connects with time, …
VideoOur passion for music electronic music and performing live visuals alongside musicians and DJs was the inspiration.
WebsiteTouchDesigner is a visual development platform that equips you with the tools you need to create stunning realtime projects …
WebsiteYour work could be at the heart of one of the largest digital art exhibitions the world has ever …
Website“Matter of Sound” is an artistic project by Fredrik Skåtar aiming at visualizing sounds, audible and inaudible, focusing on …
PDFThree laser beams cut through the room and form geometrical shapes – floating, ephemeral, divided by frequencies. Robert Henke …
VideoLecture by Dr. Ann-Sophie Lehmann at the University of Utrecht September 24, 2012
VideoCaptives is an ongoing series of digital and physical sculptures by Quayola and a contemporary homage to Michelangelo’s unfinished …
WebsiteThree decades of societal and cultural alignment of new media have yielded a host of innovations, trials, and problems, …
PDFLEAP interview about Coded Landscapes: a joint solo show from New York-based artist, Charlotte Becket and Berlin based Andreas …
VideoCode.org is a non-profit dedicated to growing computer science education by making it available in more schools, and increasing …
PlatformCoders have become the gatekeepers of how our culture uses technology. Because of this, many people now preach that …
VideoThe Philosophy of Software by theorist David M. Berry is a critical introduction to the subject of code and …
BookOut of Hand: Materializing the Postdigital examines the increasingly important role of digital fabrication in contemporary art, design, and …
BookLife in Code and Software (edited by David M. Berry) introduces and explores the way in which code and software …
WebsiteInterrelationships between natural processes, computational systems and procedural-based art practices Dataisnature came into being in October 2004 initially collecting …
WebsiteThis is the repository of processing applets created by Marcus Graf. Please make sure you have java installed on …
CodeA Documentary about live coding practice by Louis McCallum and Davy Smith.
VideoLev Manovich is the first to offer a rigorous theory of the technology we all use daily – software …
BookHome of createdigitalmusic.com, createdigitalmotion.com, and the DIY music and visual community of noisepages.com. Bleeding-edge and just on-the-edge technology for …
WebsiteThe Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable …
PlatformPure Data (aka Pd) is an open source visual programming language. Pd enables musicians, visual artists, performers, researchers, and …
PlatformSuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. It provides an interpreted …
PlatformMax gives you all the tools to create your own music, sound, video, and interactive media applications. You can …
Platformvvvv is a hybrid graphical/textual programming environment for easy prototyping and development. It is designed to facilitate the handling …
PlatformAndrew Sorensen is an artist-programmer, whose interests lie at the intersection of computer science and creative practice. Andrew is …
VideoComputational Culture is an online open-access peer-reviewed journal of inter-disciplinary enquiry into the nature of cultural computational objects, practices, processes …
WebsiteThe Amsterdam based artist couple Erwin Driessens and Maria Verstappen have worked together since 1990. They jointly developed a …
VideoThe Critical Engineer considers Engineering to be the most transformative language of our time, shaping the way we move, …
BookDedalo by Quayola & Sinigaglia is a collection of custom developed vvvv engines to generate, exchange and map data …
WebsiteDutch only: Met de opkomst van creative coding, een verzamelnaam voor schetsmatige, versimpelde of visuele programmeeromgevingen, is het werken …
WebsiteComplex rhythms emerge, fall away, then come back stronger, energising the crowd. Cárdenas is completely lost in the music. …
WebsiteEvents like Algorave highlight that by making more people creators through programming, we don’t just get new technical creations, …
WebsiteBest-selling author and technology visionary Douglas Rushkoff offers his insights and perspectives on humanity’s role in the bright new …
VideoArduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It’s intended for artists, designers, …
PlatformCreativeApplications.Net reports innovation and catalogues projects, tools and platforms at the intersection of art, media and technology.
WebsiteCinder is a community-developed, free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++.
PlatformSougwen Chung is an interdisciplinary artist whose work explores transitional edges; where the mark-made-by-hand meets the mark-made-by-machine.
WebsiteopenFrameworks is an open source C++ toolkit designed to assist the creative process by providing a simple and intuitive …
PlatformNew Aesthetic New Anxieties is the result of a five day Book Sprint organized by Michelle Kasprzak and led by Adam …
PDFProcessing is a programming language, development environment, and online community. Since 2001, Processing has promoted software literacy within the …
PlatformProgramming plays a huge role in the world that surrounds us, and though its uses are often purely functional, …
VideoThis paper (Darko Fritz, 2011) presents a mapping of the field within interdisciplinary research that encompasses fine arts, music, …
PDFInnovative designers are creating compelling atmospheres and interactive experiences by merging hardware and software with architecture and design.
BookA semiannual periodical exploring the creative intersection of art, science and technology, HOLO gets up close.
BookStudio Sketchpad aims to be an open studio for individuals learning how to sketch beautiful code on the web …
CodeProcessing.js is the sister project of the popular Processing visual programming language, designed for the web. Processing.js makes your …
CodeWhere would you go to learn creative coding? The recently set up School For Poetic Computation in New York.
WebsiteNot too long ago, the outcomes of a design process used to be in the form of a static …
BookHow can we capture the unpredictable evolutionary and emergent properties of nature in software? How can understanding the mathematical …
BookNODE is a biannual reunion of vvvv developers, users, artists and activists. It is an international platform, with talks, …
VideoResearch-creation project to develop small, low cost and low power wireless sensor hardware together with software infrastructure, specifically for …
PlatformHello World! Processing is a documentary on creative coding that explores the role that ideas such as process, experimentation …
VideoClouds is a computational documentary featuring hackers and media artists in dialogue about code, culture and the future of …
VideoCasey Reas is an artist and educator based in Los Angeles. He has exhibited, screened, and performed his work …