Review CM#14
Photo Set CM#14
Video CM#13
CM13 Marshmellow Laser Feast
Video CM#13
LOLA Landscape Architects - 'The Fat of the Land' at Coded Matter(s) #13: Compiled Landscapes from FIBER on Vimeo.
CM13 LOLA Landscapes
Video CM#13
CM#13 Catalogtree
Video CM#13
CM#13 Recap
Photo Set CM#13
CM#13 Photo Set
Photo Set CM#12
CM#12 Photo Set
Video CM#12
CM#12 Vinay Gupta
Video CM#12
CM#12 Jaromil
Video CM#12
CM#12 Primavera de Filippi
Video CM#12
CM#12 Michel Bauwens
Video CM#12
CM#12 Introduction by Michelle Kasprzak
Photo Set CM#11
CM#11 Photo Set
Video CM#11
CM#11 Recap
Video CM#10
CM#10 Recap
Video CM#10
Video CM#10
Video CM#10
Video CM#10
Photo Set CM#10
Photo set CM#10
Review CM#10

Video CM#9
Rosa Menkman – Resolution at CM#9
Video CM#9
Steven Puttemans – EAVISE at CM#9
Video CM#9
Prins & van Boven – Noise and Matter at CM#9
Video CM#9
Elliot Woods at CM#9
Video CM#9
Michelle Kasprzak – Introduction talk at CM#9
Photo Set CM#9
Photo set CM#9
Pictures taken during Coded Matter(s) #9: High Fidelity, presented on June 18th 2015 at Vlaams cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam.
By Jessica Dreu
Video CM#9
Video CM#9
On Thursday June 18th, FIBER and Flemish Arts Centre de Brakke Grond hosted the seventh edition of Coded Matter(s), titled High Fidelity. This event examined how artists and scientists hack, modify, and develop image protocols, resolution standards and work with algorithmic image processing.
By: Tanja BuskingVideo CM#8
Video CM#8
Coded Matter(s) #8 was the FIBER Festival symposium ‘The Subterranean: Exploring Networked Tools and Matter’ The programme questioned the often invisible influence of digital technology on our daily lives.
By: Tanja Busking, Kim Idsinga, Fanni FazakasReview CM#7

Interview with Marcel Boonman
Supply Art Demand (Twan Eikelenboom)
24/07/14Interview with Marcel Boonman about the research project behind the Thinking Dodecahedron installation (Part 1).
Read MoreVideo CM#7
Video CM#7
For this edition we brought together artists, designers, researchers and a wonderful audience to discover art and research applied to the human body; technology used as an extension of the body, embedded in our senses, enhancing our abilities and knowledge and altering the ways in which we perceive the world around us.
By: Tanja BuskingPhoto Set CM#7
Photo set CM#7
Pictures taken during Coded Matter(s) #7: Extended Senses, presented on June 1st 2014 at Vlaams cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam.
By Jessica Dreu
Review CM#6
Video CM#6 Algorave
14/05/14Video-report by SETUP’s Tijmen Schep: “SETUP danst bij de eerste Nederlandse ‘Algorave’”.
Photo Set CM#6
Algorave photo set
These photos were taken during the first Dutch Algorave, presented together with STEIM and including a party, two workshops and a symposium, on March 21-23, 2014 in STEIM and OCCI, Amsterdam.
By: Tanja BuskingVideo CM#6
Motherboard video about the first Dutch Algorave
A crew from the Motherboard NL attended our first Dutch Algorave, which we organised with STEIM and made this polished video about algorave and live coding. Originally posted on here.
By: MotherboardReview CM#5

Video CM#5
Video CM#5: Coding the Club
On March 6th FIBER and music festival 5 Days Off presented an evening about new developments in the production of dance floor environments, groundbreaking audiovisual live shows and electronic music. Featuring Simon Geilfus (ANTIVJ), 4DSOUND, Peter Kirn, Children of the Light and Matthijs Munnik.
By: Tanja BuskingPhoto Set CM#5
Coding the Club photo set
Pictures taken during Coded Matter(s) #5: Coding the Club, presented on March 6, 2013 during and in collaboration with 5 Days Off music festival in the Melkweg, Amsterdam.
By: Jessica DreuQuote CM#5
THANKS for the #Cinder workshop! @simongeilfus @FiberFestival Very inspiring! sad I had to leave early :( #codedmattersBy: @SabrinaVerhage
Quote CM#5
An amazing time with @simongeilfus @4DSOUND @FiberFestival @5daysoff etc yesterday; absorbing music + culture all week, lots to write about!By: @peterkirn
Photo Set CM#3

Metropolis M article
For their april/may issue, contemporary art magazine Metropolis M visit our event Coded Matter(s) #3: Transmaterials and wrote an article discussing the content of the evening.
By: Metropolis MPhoto Set CM#3
Transmaterials photo set
During Coded Matter(s) #3: Transmaterials, which took place on January 10, 2013 in MU Eindhoven, Dayna Casey and Jessica Dreu took these pictures. The pictures of the Quayola masterclass were taken by FIBER.
By: Dayna Casey / Jessica DreuVideo CM#3
Coded Matter(s) #3: Transmaterials
On Friday 10 January 2014 FIBER and MU presented Coded Matter(s) #3: Transmaterials. During this evening programme artists, designers and theorists explored how digital fabrication technologies, such as laser cutting and 3D printers, provide unprecedented possibilities to translate coded virtual forms and digital processes into physical materials.
By: Tanja BuskingReview CM#2

Review CM#2

Video CM#2
This application is an interactive sound environment created by Ukrainian sound artist Evgeniy Vashchenko AKA V4W.ENKO. It reacts to your movement using your computer’s webcam. Slow and fast movements trigger different interactions with a surrounding sound and 3D sculpture, through which you slowly float. For more information, check out our App Gallery.
Packed again. Great program again. This series is on a roll!!! Had a great time performing thanks to all who came by this afternoon...By: Thijs Ham
Video CM#2
Coded Matter(s) #2: Sound Hackers
Following the success of “Coded Matter(s) #1: Unfolding Space”, FIBER and Flemish Cultural Centre de Brakke Grond presented the second edition of “Coded Matter(s)”, titled ‘Sound Hackers’. During this Sunday afternoon matinee we experienced the rising possibilities and new expressions in sound and music due to emerging technologies and code.
By: Tanja BuskingPhoto Set CM#2
Sound Hackers photo set
A set of photos made during Coded Matter(s) #2: Sound Hackers on November 10, 2013 in de Brakke Grond, Amsterdam.
By: Jessica DreuVideo CM#4
Results of the Open Tools Lab Workshop based on Steph Thirion’s “GameMod”. People with little coding experience where given the code to a break out like game and in 90 minutes where taught the basics of programming and then freely hacked code to make pieces of art using the code.
By: Heinze Havinga | SETUPReview CM#1

Review CM#1

Photo Set CM#1
Unfolding Space photo set
On September 10, 2013 the first edition of Coded Matter(s), titled ‘Unfolding Space’ took place in de Brakke Grond, Amsterdam and focused on the development of interactive and sensory spaces.
By: Jessica DreuReview CM#1
Video CM#1
Coded Matter(s) #1: Unfolding Space
On Tuesday evening September 10, the first edition of Coded Matter(s) took place in de Brakke Grond in Amsterdam. This event, titled ‘Unfolding Space’, focussed on the development of interactive and sensory spaces. Software is now managing parts of our city and even influencing the way we interact socially. New ways of experiencing space are arising with the use of sensors, projections and mobile technology. Artists and designers are responding to this with room-sized installations, interactive dance performances and ‘augmented’ environments. These developments are completely transforming our perceptions of space and media.
By: Tanja BuskingQuote CM#1
Now to demonstrate how woefully unqualified I am to comment on interpretative dance by reviewing Trinity: It was mad dope. #codedmattersBy: @thesjef
Review CM#1

Software, the New Architecture?
Metropolis M
14/09/13METROPOLIS M, a bimonthly magazine on contemporary art, reviewed ‘Unfolding Space’, the first edition of Coded Matter(s).
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