Software and the internet enabled people to produce and distribute music from their home computer. Nowadays the development of powerful mobile technology and accessible coding languages adds a whole range of possibilities to the production and performance of sound and music. The instruments that create and play sound are prepared with spatial, sensory and tangible interfaces. Musicians, sound artists and other sonic creatives expand the possibilities between physical materials and software by using light, projections, sensors, code and data as integral part of their work.
Sensors make it possible to develop next-level instruments, that tap into the unseen, unheard ‘rhythms’ of our networked environment, and play the soundtrack of the (near) future. On the one hand analog instruments are hacked and enriched with digital features. While ‘hybrid instruments’, on the other hand, are created by using open hardware and self-build parts made with digital fabrication methods.
In the second edition of Coded Matter(s): Sound Hackers we’ll investigate the rising possibilities and new expressions in sound and music due to emerging technologies and coded cultures. Furthermore we’ll look into the influence of autonomous processes, based on algorithms and data-streams as an artistic source. Coded Matter(s) also investigates the role of digital processes which enable the merging of virtual and analog instruments.
We invite everyone interested in sound and music to join our Sunday afternoon program at De Brakke Grond and be astonished by the ‘sound hackers’, audiovisual performances, a showcase and short talks presented by a wide variety of artists who will introduce and perform these ‘hybrid instruments’.
FIBER turns 5! Hold on… It’s already 5 years ago that we set out to start an event where audiovisual …
Quayola is a visual artist based in London. He investigates dialogues and the unpredictable collisions, tensions and equilibriums between the …
Website VimeoDuring Coded Matter(s) #2: Sound Hackers, Dick Rijken will be giving an introduction to the afternoon between 14:30 and 14:50. …
WebsiteMarcus Graf provides a solution to the current problems in the art industry by introducing the optimal artist. Although most …
Website VimeoGareth Davis plays clarinet(s), the result of a somewhat impulsive purchase whilst window shopping in Covent Garden, London, around ten …
WebsiteThe contemporary percussion duo, SonoLab, founded by Vitaly Medvedev [RU] and Mei-Yi Lee [TW] is an offshoot of Slagwerk Den …
Website VimeoPaul Prudence is an audio-visual performer and live-cinema artist working with computational, algorithmic and generative environments. His work, which had …
Website VimeoThe Soundlings Collective is a young and international network of starting audio professionals. They have worked on a variety of …
WebsiteJonathan Reus makes hybrid instruments and electronic music that blend machine aesthetics with free improvisation. His music and performances often …
Website VimeoOWOW ©, theomnipresentworldofwizkids, focusses on superior design, technology & engineering in a marriage with a lot of fun. Our goal …
Website VimeoA Documentary about live coding practice by Louis McCallum and Davy Smith.
VideoSuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis and algorithmic …
PlatformAndrew Sorensen is an artist-programmer, whose interests lie at the intersection of computer science …
VideoDedalo by Quayola & Sinigaglia is a collection of custom developed vvvv engines to …
WebsiteComplex rhythms emerge, fall away, then come back stronger, energising the crowd. Cárdenas is …
WebsiteEvents like Algorave highlight that by making more people creators through programming, we don’t …
WebsiteThe Soundlings Collective is a young and international network of starting audio professionals. They …
WebsiteSTEIM (the STudio for Electro-Instrumental Music) is an independent electronic music centre unique in …
WebsiteFontanel explores the creative culture of the Netherlands. They create personal and inspiring ways …
WebsiteThe Creative Industries Fund NL began operating on 1 January 2013. It operates within …
WebsiteThe Flemish Arts Centre ‘De Brakke Grond’ offers the most significant developments, contemporary art …