With the theme Sensing Beyond | Beyond Sensing – Performing the Space Between Human and Alien, FIBER investigates how the ‘act of art and performance’ might offer alternative ways to make ‘sense’ of the complex and often alienating world we humans find ourselves in nowadays. Advanced simulation technologies, algorithms and AI systems propel human activity into alien terrain and dimensions. At the same time – in the middle of an impending climate crisis – we slowly come to terms with the need to fundamentally reconnect human activities with other living and nonliving beings. The FIBER Weekend invites you to be part of a selection of thoughts and experiences that searches for new ways of sensing, building and knowing the world.
With the Coded Matter(s) conference programme FIBER presents the work of artists, designers, musicians, creative coders and researchers who reflect on the application and impact of advanced technologies on our present-day and future world. Sharing making processes you also get insights into the latest project at the intersection of art, technology and nature. The conference is also the final stage of the Worldbuilding trilogy that FIBER organized throughout 2018.
For tickets and more information, visit FiberWeekends.nl
This edition is supported by the Creative Industry Fund NL, Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, Performing Arts Fund NL, Waag, Goethe Institute, Lab111, OT301, KIKK Festival, and Waag.
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