FIBER and De Brakke Grond present ‘Michel Bauwens & The Promise of the Blockchain – Future applications of decentralized databases’. This event is part of ‘All Futures Memories’ (De Brakke Grond) and is FIBER’s 12th edition of the Coded Matter(s) event series.
The rise of the infamous cryptocurrency Bitcoin has sparked interest in another revolutionary technology: the blockchain, which has been predicted to greatly alter the world we live in. FIBER and De Brakke Grond Centre for the Arts presents a night of discussions between Flemish cyber-philosopher Michel Bauwens and leading artists, designers, and researchers on the applications and implications of the blockchain.
The blockchain is a decentralised ledger that forms the basis behind the controversial technology Bitcoin. Apart from cryptocurrency, the blockchain has various other potential applications. At Coded Matter(s) #12, Michel Bauwens will contextualize these potentials as part of his ongoing research on peer-to-peer practices around the world, reflecting on how this phenomenon contributes to a new social order that prioritizes achieving common goals over for-profit corporations. A group of designers, researchers and artists will accompany Bauwens to discuss current and future applications of the blockchain, and its revolutionary potentials.
This event is supported by The Creative Industry Fund NL (Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie), Mondriaan Fund (Mondriaan Fonds) and Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond.
One week ago we presented ‘Michel Bauwens & The Promise of the Blockchain’ together with and at Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke …
Michel Bauwens, theoretician, activist, and public speaker, is one of the pioneers of the peer-to-peer movement. He is founder and …
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WebsitePrimavera De Filippi is a permanent researcher at the National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS) in Paris. She is faculty …
WebsiteDenis Roio (aka Jaromil) is a researcher in philosophy of technology, artist and software artisan whose creations are endorsed by …
WebsiteMichelle Kasprzak is the resident moderator of FIBER’s Coded Matter(s) event series. With her witty and insightful style of moderating, she has the remarkable skill to make complex issues accessible to a broad audience.
WebsiteThe public cultural funding organization focusing on visual arts and cultural heritage.
WebsiteThe Creators Project is a global network dedicated to the celebration of creativity, arts …
WebsiteThe Creative Industries Fund NL began operating on 1 January 2013. It operates within …
WebsiteThe Flemish Arts Centre ‘De Brakke Grond’ offers the most significant developments, contemporary art …