Light, Code, Calibration and Resolution.
Visual perception is now the dominant feature of contemporary culture. As we live in times of face recognition, Google maps, and infinite virtual worlds, we become even more dependent on new forms of knowledge based on images and automation. Yet we still remain unaware of what lays behind these technologies and how these images are compiled. In response to the increasing influence of imaging technologies and industry standards on human perception, Coded Matter(s) #9 High Fidelity examines alternative possibilities. How do artists and scientists hack, modify, and develop these protocols?
Hacked video projectors, programmed lasers or alternative screen resolutions provide artists with new opportunities to merge code, form, media, and matter. Presented as sculptural objects or immersive light scenographies, they manipulate our notion of space and calibrate human perception. Their aesthetic explores and crosses the boundaries of the image that have been defined by industry standards. What impact do these explorations have on our contemporary culture?
Speakers: Elliot Woods, Rosa Menkman, Steven Puttemans, Prins & Van Boven.
FIBER turns 5! Hold on… It’s already 5 years ago that we set out to start an event where audiovisual …
Black Smoking Mirror is a performance about resistance, friction and obstruction of the canvas by laser engraving surrounded by electronic …
WebsiteDuring his talk, Steven will introduce the EAVISE research group and it’s activities in the field of computer vision and …
WebsiteEvery technology possesses its own inherent accidents. Rosa Menkman is a Dutch artist and theorist who likes to focus on …
Website VimeoElliot Woods is a digital media artist, technologist, curator, educator from Manchester UK. He creates provocations towards future interactions between …
Website VimeoMichelle Kasprzak is the resident moderator of FIBER’s Coded Matter(s) event series. With her witty and insightful style of moderating, she has the remarkable skill to make complex issues accessible to a broad audience.
WebsiteThe code of Steven Puttemans connected to the Embedded Artificially intelligent VISion Engineering researchgroup …
CodeLight symbolises the highest good, it enables all visual art, and today it lies …
PDFDigital Emulsion: Articulating Form in Physical Space – Code has become the principal constructive …
VideoIn the lead-up to her solo show, institutions of Resolution Disputes , at Transfer Gallery, …
WebsiteA hemisphere of 5,500 white blocks occupies the air, each hanging from above in …
WebsiteCreated by Seoul based art and design studio Kimchi and Chips, Lunar Surface is …
WebsiteThe “Black and Bright” projector hack removes the colour filters from a low cost …
CodeThe Creative Industries Fund NL began operating on 1 January 2013. It operates within …
WebsiteThe Flemish Arts Centre ‘De Brakke Grond’ offers the most significant developments, contemporary art …
WebsiteThe Creators Project is a global network dedicated to the celebration of creativity, arts …