On Thursday, March 6th FIBER and music festival 5 Days Off present an evening about new developments in the production of dance floor environments, groundbreaking audiovisual live shows and electronic music.
During Coding the Club we explore the cutting edge of the club: from self-built controllers for music and DJing to the enormous light shows and engaging club nights, which are created by collaborations between DJs, producers, artists and coders. With performances, showcases and keynotes national and international makers show their extraordinary projects and the digital tools with which they work. Current advances are discussed as well as future prospects, such as interaction between crowd and artist through sensors or brainwaves. (scroll down for the lineup)
For visual artist and music maker we offer two hand-on workshops: build your own sound maker instrument with Peter Kirn (an introduction to PureData) & live visuals with Cinder (introduction) by artist & developer Simon Geilfus from ANTIVJ.
Coding the Club reveals the often opaque world behind how new technology influences our club experience and also functions as an informal meetup for audiovisual artists, DJ/producers, event organisers, coders, media/art/design students and lovers of nightlife culture.
The last part of the event is also the start of the night: Coding the Club closes with an overwhelming audiovisual performance to bring you in the right state of mind for 5 Days Off’s following programme: a full night of techno from Speedy J’s own label Electric Deluxe with Collabs 3000 (Speedy J & Chris Liebing), Abdulla Rashim, Marcel Fengler, Will & Ink, Truss, LET resident Jean Pierre Enfant and others.
Coded Matter(s) is supported by the Creative Industries Fund NL
FIBER turns 5! Hold on… It’s already 5 years ago that we set out to start an event where audiovisual …
Simon Geilfus is a visual performer, designer and software developer at the influential visual label ANTIVJ. Think ‘Projection mapping’ and …
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WebsiteMatthijs Munnik is a media artist who is based in The Hague, the Netherlands. His work often involves both performances …
Website VimeoPeter Kirn is an audiovisual artist, journalist, and technologist. Classically trained in composition and piano, he now focuses on live …
Website VimeoFind awesome pieces of code at Simon Geilfus’ Github repository.
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VideoOur passion for music electronic music and performing live visuals alongside musicians and DJs …
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