On Saturday 22 March, FIBER and STEIM join forces to present the Netherlands’ very first Algorave (Algorithmic Rave) in the Occii in Amsterdam.
If you’re looking for a new kind of raw, unpredictable night of dirty industrial/techno sounds and truly live electronic music: this is it. No DJ’s, no decks, no producers, no limits. The Algorave brings the cerebral world of live coding and the dirty dancing of raves together to form a new wave in club culture in which performers improvise their music live on stage by writing and rewriting code.
Algoraves embrace the alien sounds of raves from the past, and introduces futuristic rhythms and beats made through strange, algorithm-aided processes. It’s up to the good people on the dance floor to help the musicians make sense of this and do the real creative work in making a great party by providing the energy for the party.
Not a coder? Don’t worry: just like you don’t have to be a guitarist to enjoy a rock concert, you don’t have to know code to enjoy an Algorave. Everyone who is into new electronic music and underground raving will feel right at home.
Ticket pre-sale has started now in our ticket store.
The Algorave programme is supplemented by two workshops – one for beginners on Friday and an advanced one on Saturday – in which people can learn to code for Algoraves, and a mini-symposium with keynotes and a performance on Sunday.
Introduction to live coding in SuperCollider (Friday 21 March)
This workshop is aimed at those who want to get into coding sounds, but are not sure how to take the step. Perhaps you have been coding in languages such as Max/MSP or PureData and want to learn SuperCollider as well? Or you might want to start learning from scratch without any previous experience with coding?
This is your chance! Within a few hours The Void Pointers will teach you some basic SuperCollider coding skills and enable you to create your own sounds.
Check out the workshop page for more information.
Advanced SuperCollider & Live Instruments (Saturday 22 March)
This workshop is for those who are interested in combining code with live instruments. Different approaches will be discussed. The topics of effects, live sampling, onset detection, beat detection and markov chains will be covered, among other things.
For more information, have a look at the workshop page.
Mini-Symposium (Sunday 23 March)
The day after the event a small symposium will take place during which two speakers and a performer will reflect on the phenomena of ‘live coding’ and ‘algorave’ in today’s cultural landscape.
Alex McLean and Marcel Wierckx have both been active in the field of live coding for several years now. For some reason though, the practice of live coding seems draw a lot of attention lately. Through two keynote presentations, and a performance by Marije Baalman, context to these developments will be provided.
Tickets for the symposium are sold separately from the Algorave party.
The first Dutch Algorave also marks the 6th edition of FIBER’s ongoing Coded Matter(s) programme, a series about the influence of code in art, music and design.
Coded Matter(s) is supported by the Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie NL.
FIBER turns 5! Hold on… It’s already 5 years ago that we set out to start an event where audiovisual …
Alex McLean is a musician and researcher based in Yorkshire, UK. He live codes with his Tidal mini-language both solo …
Website VimeoCanute is a new live drums vs live coding collaboration between Alex McLean and Matthew Yee-King. Alex McLean is a …
As ravers dance to wonky algorithmic glitches, an onstage a battle of wills will occur as Shelly Knotts attempts to …
WebsiteExoterrism is a Chinese fugitive, ex-shaolin, triad of WanChai (Hong Kong). He mainly manipulates Feng Shui, QiGong, Chaotic functions, and …
Luuma is Chris Kiefer, performing live with a rig full of handmade tactile interfaces, twisting dirty techno out of generative algorithms. …
WebsiteThe Void* is a project by Roald van Dillewijn, Tijs Ham and Eric Magnée. Since 2010 they have been modifying …
WebsiteThis is the text of Marcel Wierckx keynote speech at the Algorave symposium held …
PDFIt turns out there’s a whole musical subculture based around watching people who love …
WebsiteMaking music with live coding: that’s Algorave. Algoraver Alex McLean from England performs under …
VideoAlex McLean is a programmer and live coder. He performs with a livecoding band …
WebsiteEvents like Algorave highlight that by making more people creators through programming, we don’t …
WebsiteComplex rhythms emerge, fall away, then come back stronger, energising the crowd. Cárdenas is …
WebsiteA Documentary about live coding practice by Louis McCallum and Davy Smith.
VideoAndrew Sorensen is an artist-programmer, whose interests lie at the intersection of computer science …
VideoSuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis and algorithmic …
PlatformMotherboard is an online magazine and video channel dedicated to the intersection of technology, …
WebsiteSTEIM (the STudio for Electro-Instrumental Music) is an independent electronic music centre unique in …
WebsiteThe OCCII is a venue for alternative and independent music in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The …
WebsiteThe Creative Industries Fund NL began operating on 1 January 2013. It operates within …